Monday, September 8, 2008

Chinese face theories and vibes

Through my observations I found that there is a link between chinese facial theories and the study of vibes. I found this by looking at people who have had high levels of stress in their lives. They usually have something about their facial features that is a bit out of sync too. This is the place where ancient chinese theories about recognizing a person's behavior or character using their facial features. Eyebrows that meat is a sign of close minds. A high brow means an intelligent mind .. those kind of things.

Your inner feelings or vibes will manifest itself on your face. I learned the hard way that how good you look on a day will influence who you meet and how good your dealings will be on that day. It's hard for me initially who wanted to move away from being judge outwardly and felt that people should not look at the exterior but judge a person what is like inside. However, if you accept the fact that your outer shell or looks is a representation of your inner self then judging a person by their looks might not be so stupid as hithero thought.

What I think is, Chinese philosophers learned the skill of facial reading using their superior mastery of vibes reading and recorded all the knowledge now which is now known as the Chinese Physiognomy - Face Reading. I found a nice blog which says a fair bit more about what I am trying to say here.

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