Sunday, February 7, 2010

Abraham's Journal of Positive Aspects

Of all the methods I know from Abraham Hicks, the journal of positive aspects is the most powerful and effective in helping me with my relationship with my mom. My mom has taken up to collecting rubbish and aluminum tins to be sold. It concerned me as I initially thought that this would cause a dip in a self esteem. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get her to stop this newly developed habit. This is of course in line with Abraham-Hicks teachings that the harder you fight at something the closer it comes. I knew all the teachings but I was just caught up in the vibe of the moment and could not help myself. This lower feeling vibe ended up in a lot tense words being exchanged between us causing even a lower dip.

In desperation I tried writing on my journal of positive aspects about her, which I used an old red moleskine for. The more I wrote, the better I felt. On the third page of writing I realized the power behind this technique. The technique forces you to write out the positive aspects you feel hence forcing you to concentrate on one thought at once (Try writing and thinking different thought simultaneously). When this process is done in the head, often there are too many thoughts flying around to make it really effective.

On the third page of the journal I saw a whole different aspect to my mom and realized how spiritually strong she is and felt a whole lot of relief and instantly the next day I could see marked differences in the way we talked. I actually found some uses for the things that she had picked from the street and even made them into beautiful decorative ornaments on my table. I could literally feel a heavy lower feeling vibe being lifted off my chest and it felt good.

Thank you to Abraham-Hicks for a powerful method that really works!

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