Monday, August 11, 2008

Do not own that

I found that more often than not the temper we are seeking so hard to control can just be controlled with the simple act of delaying a reaction to the stimulus. It's simple. Delay your feeling of reaction or injustice for a few minutes, slowly compose your smart come back. If you feel hurt or that anger sting become less sharp and blunt continue for a few more minutes longer without a reply. It's letting the hot air out of a balloon. It works everytime. If this doesn't work I find that quickly extracting yourself from the heated situation works wonders. Remember everyone of life's seemingly out-ta-get-ya moments are nothing more than oppotunities god or the universe gives us to let our best qualities shine through.

If you ask for patience, the universe or God delivers by putting you in situation where you can exercise your patience. Viewing it from this aspect allows you to always be on top of your day. Hold on to this and you will always be calm. If however, you are not ready, it's okay to just step away and come back at another time. It just means that we have to do some extra tuning to get ourselves ready for the situation. You are perfect. You are exactly the way you are meant to be. You just choose to extend and test yourself in new and uncomfortable situations. That is growing.