Friday, February 8, 2008

The good finder

Today let's look at good finders. This thought struck me today as I was pulling out the bike going on my daily jogging regiment. "If god were to hear our thoughts daily how bad we must all sound with the doom and the gloom !" The word good finder was definitely not created here. I read about it some years back in one of the self help books that I ploughed through.

A good finder is a person who chooses to finds the good side to events that occurs. If you choose to be a good finder then that puts you in 3% of the world population. That's how rare good finders are ! The world has enough of it's fair share of so-called normal or realistic people or just plain bad finders. People who for reasons only known to themselves just cannot see the good side to a situation. Phew ! Writing about them makes me feel a bit lethargic !

For example, if your boss emails you stating that the outline that you submitted needs some extra formatting work there are two ways to approach this situation. The traditional way would be to fret and grumble because of the extra work to be done. A good finder however will see that the good of the situation. "Alright ! This means that the contents of the document is okay !! Just a little easy peasy formatting work needed !"

People like good finders because they are so refreshing. Not only that they are happier in whatever they are doing or pursuing because they are constantly being enveloped by this invisible shield of happiness as they go about their daily chores. Also, to be totally accurate I don't think the word "chore" even exists in the good finder's dictionary. How can they achieve this ? Simple, bad vibes or views simply do not register on their radar. They cannot see it ! A totally bad situation can befall them and all they see is the good side. That has got to be the best blind condition in the world, being negative blind ! This mind you is not being naive, rather it's being proactive. You choose not to feed your negative vibes by feeling sorry, rather you do your best to preserve your vibes to make the best of the situation. Lemonade tastes damn good ! Imagine what kind of power you would exude when nothing can bother you and you walk around everywhere with this invisible shield of feel-goodness.

So .. go on try being a good finder tomorrow or heck right now and just watch your world turn around.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The note of appreciation

I have found a superb way to keep your vibes in tact during ... sub optimal conditions. It's very easy yet very effective and can be done anywhere. I call this the "note of appreciation" method. It's done like this. When a sub optimal situation presents itself and threatens to jeopardize your vibes, take out a piece of paper and pen and start writing down all the good things you can think of related to the situation, the situation can be related to a person or a thing. Start listing them out one by one. You will notice that initially it is really hard but it gets easier as you go along and you can just feel those negative vibes melt away. When you finally get to the last item on your list, you would have notice that your sub optimal feelings has been transformed to feelings of a warmer state for the person or thing.

The note of appreciation works because it forces the mind to concentrate on the positive side of the thing or person that is in your attention span. This worked to great effect for me when I faced problems with my relationship. She had to work late again and had no time we had to forgo our earlier appointment. What would have normally boiled over from the sub optimal feelings to a full blown argument in the past, turned into a practice of appreciating the other party. What a great way to salvage the evening ! I spent the better half of the evening thinking about her special qualities and how she complements me in so many ways that at the end of it my feelings for her was even warmer that before ! Great way to break out of a negative vibe situation ! What's more it would be a nice surprise for the other party, if you happen to show them the list !

I hear you saying there "But ! there is nothing good to write about !!". Yes I hear you and I know it's hard, but trust me if you dig deep enough and look you will there is a good thing to say about a situation no matter how un-ideal. If you other half has no time for you because of her work, when sub optimal feelings will tell you that she doesn't care about you, only her work matters and other things. This will only lead you to a downward spiral in terms of vibes. Stop it ! Writing something like "I appreciate because she allows me to have a lot of time to myself to build spiritual side". This forces the mind to look at the situation in a whole different light. Keep on doing this and you will notice that your thoughts now have changed from one of frustration and anger to that of compassion and calmness.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The most romantic gesture

Today I listened to Jim Rohn's 'Take Charge of your life' and something in there about the black widow caught my fancy. Jim mentioned how the act of the black widow eating her mate after the 'noble act' as 'interesting' while it seemed tragic to most people. Good observation Jim but for me it struck me as the the most the most romantic act in the animal kingdom. A selfless mate sacrificing even his own life for his other half. A bit of a morbid end but the thought of it is just so romantic to me.

A selfless act to serve another soul in that way can only be done by the most dedicated soul. You can get scientific on my ass and argue the point by saying that the male is actually bound and unable to move ... thanks but no thanks I would rather live in my romanticized version ....