Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Money

1. I always have money to pay for whatever I want to. It's always there and even if sometimes I don't personally have it people around me always have it.

2. Money has been getting easier and easier these past few months.

3. I love the things that money has been able to get for me. My house is one, the pens I have they are beautiful and each one is just the way I like it now.

4. I can support most of the people around me and the feeling of being able to do that is great.

5. Project have been smooth coming in and they continue to do so. The conversion rate of projects into revenue has been so smooth, it's something that I did not have to think about.

6. Recently I have discovered (some re-discovered) revenue streams that really excite me. This has been what I have been asking for.

7. It feels great to get creative in what I do for a living. It allows for more confidence in what I do.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Do you feel good spending money?

Think about this. The Law of Attraction works by attracting more of what you want and being in alignment with that to get it or bring your more of it. If you feel happy you attract more of that feeling and the Universe would work to bring your more of that and likewise if you feel fear or sadness.

Would you like a lot of money to spend and be happy? Based on the premise above, wouldn't it be correct to think that the more we enjoy spending and appreciate what our money has brought us, we would be in the place to attract more of that? Think about that then think about what you feel when your bills start arriving? Do you feel joyful paying or spending that money paying for services that have benefited your life or do you grit your teeth telling yourself this is just the way life is and that paying bills is just a necessary evil for your life to continue?

This trips up most people. Even the best I have seen so far just try to ignore the sinking feeling they feel when paying bills and try to focus on other happy thoughts. While this may help you get relief but do you notice at what kind of set point this holds you? When you stop to count the people walking around in the streets smiling when it comes time to pay their bills do you then begin to understand why most people still feel overwhelmed by bills ? The trick here is to feel good about paying our bills or paying for items we purchase for that truly will bring us more of that!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

There are no victims in this universe.

Sometimes in our quest to feel good we do get caught up in situation where our emotion is under threat to get some beating. A great example of this is a conversation which is slowly heating up. Normally for this kinds of cases to preserve my emotional set point I try a few methods.

1. If this person can be ignored then I will just ignore him/her and start distracting myself using the numerous methods such as visualization or meditation (counting breaths). This might not work if this is a conversation that is being carried on with a loved one that is demanding an answer from you.

2. Try to go to a different room or do something to diffuse the building bad vibe. Baths, going to another room or some house chores work fine for this. This might not work too if an immediate answer is demanded.

This post is to try to help those who cannot do the first two methods outlined above. Normally, if we are in the mindset of a victim or being wronged, we tend to be defensive and this kind of set point will not be beneficial to the situation. The most useful way for me is to take a deep breath no matter how hard, slow down your response and keeping in mind that there are no victims in this world. There are only co-creators. You are in the current situation you are in due partly to yourself. No one can force their manifestation on you. Keeping this in mind and responding would give you greater relief, no matter how hard the situation and this would put you in the best mental state to maintain or bring up your set point under any circumstance.

Being in mental state gives you composure and it puts you in mood of fixing or tweaking your response rather than trying to win the argument (which will happen because you are in a defensive mood).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Appreciating the manisfestation of desires

Everything we ask for and allow will manifest in our lives. Recently I found out that the universe has creative and fun ways of delivering our desires to us. The Universe works in mysterious and fun ways that we do not even expect. If we are not careful sometimes we might even miss it the first time it arrives. I say 'first time' here because as long as you are allowing and keep on asking the Universe will always deliver your desires. This is what happened to me.

I need a new phone after the old one who has been serving me faithfully had to be retired. The Papster 'inherited' hers to me and I was joyful to see that my wish had 'manifested' so fast and so beautifully. A new e71 became mine just like that! Thank you! Thank you! Ah, but then this is just the beginning of the tale. The Universe gets creative here.

A few weeks into using the phone, the screen suddenly blanks out on me and the phone could not be switched on anymore. The phone outlet said that the phone had to be sent back to Nokia to be repaired. Feeling a bit low as I had to endure a few days without my phone, I kept my spirits up by telling myself that all the repairs were free as the phone is still under guarantee safe with the knowledge that the Manager (Universe) has been delegated the task of making sure I get what I want. Just moving on I left the phone there and after about a week or so the shop calls me up to inform me that the phone is done and they had just replaced the whole electronic component (the heart of the phone). For those who are technically inclined this means the whole electronic board in the phone. All this happened with just three days left on the phone's guarantee. So in summary I got my "new phone" after all! Thinking about this left me with a grin on my face the whole day and feeling great inside! What made it even better is the "game" that the universe included in manifesting my desires.

Imagine how delicious and great life would be if we felt gratitude and joy in discovering the manifestations of our desires everyday! We would literally be happy forever! To me what we ask for and allow is always given. The unique and creative way how are desires are manifested is just a bonus that the Universe provides us. Just imagine how boring it would be if I just got enough money and I had to go and buy a new phone myself. The way I got it is so much more creative and satisfying. Life is truly great!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today had a very relieving clearing session with the mumster. While some people I know try to avoid confrontation for the fear that it might effect the vibe of the moment, I think that we should just do what comes naturally and feels most comfortable and that for my family has always been clearing away cobwebs. While during the cobweb clearing session we go down a bit in on the vibrational scale, what is important is at the end we gain relief after all the debris is out of the way. We shout at each other talk and voice out our disappointments.

Until the day I can look at or face the contrast and feel good about it, the process of clearing (confrontation) can help to clear out the uncomfortable vibe. I am lucky enough to have a family that have always been happy to help me out in this. Confrontation is better than maintaining a false feeling of comfort by "tolerating" the other person. Toleration has never and will never work. You will just end up feeling "After all I have done for you ..." which puts you in a mental state of focusing on how ungrateful your mate or the other person is and as we all know that kind of thinking will just bring more of the same.

For the first two days, I was feeling a bit out of sorts and started to wonder why. After the process of clearing today with mumster, I felt so much relief, I know this method works for me. Clearing works so always choose clearing with your partner over toleration.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Life the most enjoyable game!

Thanks to Abraham-Hicks recordings and following the teachings, my life is so much more alive and fun! Life has a purpose, life is a great constant game of contrast and tweaking of vibes. Everyday you think of your desires then tweak your feelings and emotions to be in sync with your desires. It's a fun and never ending game for me. It has made life so enjoyable and such a fulfilling and rich experience. Even driving to work appreciating the smoothness of the ride is such fun for me, and what's best more come and more and more! Each day I see more and more of my desire materializing and more and more wantings springing up! I sleep less and when I wake up I feel refreshed and eager to go into the new day and experience more of that delicious wantings that my insync vibes have created and materialized. The process itself is thoroughly enjoyable, wielding and playing with that energy that creates worlds. Yes truly we can have anything our hearts desire!

This rampage of appreciation is dedicated to the teachers who have brought me the teachings in such clarity and passion. May we all meet on the leading edge of creation!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Abraham's Journal of Positive Aspects

Of all the methods I know from Abraham Hicks, the journal of positive aspects is the most powerful and effective in helping me with my relationship with my mom. My mom has taken up to collecting rubbish and aluminum tins to be sold. It concerned me as I initially thought that this would cause a dip in a self esteem. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get her to stop this newly developed habit. This is of course in line with Abraham-Hicks teachings that the harder you fight at something the closer it comes. I knew all the teachings but I was just caught up in the vibe of the moment and could not help myself. This lower feeling vibe ended up in a lot tense words being exchanged between us causing even a lower dip.

In desperation I tried writing on my journal of positive aspects about her, which I used an old red moleskine for. The more I wrote, the better I felt. On the third page of writing I realized the power behind this technique. The technique forces you to write out the positive aspects you feel hence forcing you to concentrate on one thought at once (Try writing and thinking different thought simultaneously). When this process is done in the head, often there are too many thoughts flying around to make it really effective.

On the third page of the journal I saw a whole different aspect to my mom and realized how spiritually strong she is and felt a whole lot of relief and instantly the next day I could see marked differences in the way we talked. I actually found some uses for the things that she had picked from the street and even made them into beautiful decorative ornaments on my table. I could literally feel a heavy lower feeling vibe being lifted off my chest and it felt good.

Thank you to Abraham-Hicks for a powerful method that really works!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chance encounter with a master

During a project meeting today, I was awed to be in the midst of a master. There is a lady there which is a programmer whom I shall call P. This lady has an ability that I am slowly trying to develop. Calling it an ability though would imply that this needed practice and I realize is not really accurate. It was more like her nature. Something instinctive.

Negative vibes do not even register in her attention! For me I see it I just choose not to concentrate or focus on it (As best as I can). This lady do not even see it! She just brushes all those stuff aside and goes straight to the issue at hand! It did not hit me during the project meeting, just a nice feeling everytime she spoke. A feeling of warmness and hope. During the walk to the car it dawned on me how powerful this practice or nature is.... When you do not even see or feel negative surroundings, then nothing can effect you. While sitting in the room, the positive vibes emanating from her was like an oasis in a desert. I was smiling during my drive back andit gave me a warm glow the whole day thinking about her.

When I get this ability, negative incidents would be strange even better I won't even see it. This reminds me of famous Morpheus line in the movie "The Matrix" where he is talking to Neo and trying to convince him to find the One in himself .. it goes like this ..

Morpheus : I've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall. Men have

emptied entire clips at them, and hit nothing but air. Yet

_their_ strength and _their_ speed, are still based on a

world built on rules. Because of that, they will never be

as strong, or as fast, as you can be.

Neo : What are you trying to tell me? That I bullets?

Morpheus : No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you, that when _you're_ ready...

_you_ won't have to...

You won't have to dodge negatives when you don't even see them! When I only see good things, things that make me happy, make ecstatic imagine the power that course through me! Thank you universe for helping me to see this.