Friday, February 5, 2010

Chance encounter with a master

During a project meeting today, I was awed to be in the midst of a master. There is a lady there which is a programmer whom I shall call P. This lady has an ability that I am slowly trying to develop. Calling it an ability though would imply that this needed practice and I realize is not really accurate. It was more like her nature. Something instinctive.

Negative vibes do not even register in her attention! For me I see it I just choose not to concentrate or focus on it (As best as I can). This lady do not even see it! She just brushes all those stuff aside and goes straight to the issue at hand! It did not hit me during the project meeting, just a nice feeling everytime she spoke. A feeling of warmness and hope. During the walk to the car it dawned on me how powerful this practice or nature is.... When you do not even see or feel negative surroundings, then nothing can effect you. While sitting in the room, the positive vibes emanating from her was like an oasis in a desert. I was smiling during my drive back andit gave me a warm glow the whole day thinking about her.

When I get this ability, negative incidents would be strange even better I won't even see it. This reminds me of famous Morpheus line in the movie "The Matrix" where he is talking to Neo and trying to convince him to find the One in himself .. it goes like this ..

Morpheus : I've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall. Men have

emptied entire clips at them, and hit nothing but air. Yet

_their_ strength and _their_ speed, are still based on a

world built on rules. Because of that, they will never be

as strong, or as fast, as you can be.

Neo : What are you trying to tell me? That I bullets?

Morpheus : No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you, that when _you're_ ready...

_you_ won't have to...

You won't have to dodge negatives when you don't even see them! When I only see good things, things that make me happy, make ecstatic imagine the power that course through me! Thank you universe for helping me to see this.

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